Monday, August 01, 2005

addendum to the roomate ...

So I was in a bad mood. Clearly.

I should have been nicer, more forgiving and more relaxed. I know that paco isn't really my friend, but I guess he is by default. A friend by association?

Like Seinfeld. Jerry, Elaine, Cramer, and George were not really all one big friendship, equally distributed. More like friends of friends. Elaine never really hung out with george. Why should she? She was connected to Jerry. Only by association was she connected to Kramer and george.

I have associate friends. People who's number I don't have, nor email, nor screen names, and yet I find myself knowing more about them than some of my own friends. I think sometimes I have more associated friends than actual friends.

Hippy thinks that I am guarded with my feelings. He's absolutely correct. I don't feel, try not to do so unless absolutely necessary. Its not within me to work on the outs, I want control over situations that present themselves, and when you have everything out in the vastness for everyone else to see? You are subject to unforseen circumstances.

I am not however a void of human emotion. I am actually quite the opposite. You would just never know.

You try working in politics without a stronghold on your emotions! you will cry when you shouldnt, laugh when its inappropriate, and watch disdain dripping from your every word when you should be adoring.

Its sad but true that I am this way. Few people get more than face value, but those who do? For the chosen few, the possiblities are innumerable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

inappropriate, you soulless reaver of emotions from the nubile and caring of the non damned!

You don't need to care to use a dictionary.