Thursday, March 29, 2007

a minced version of my letter to the devil/fighting chicken.

Hey El Diablo!
I only had limited knowledge of the last few get-togethers, and I was busy with my Juniors volleyball teams, I think. I appreciate the offer and I will definitely see what I can do to work in a visit. I will be down in Raleigh that weekend for a wedding reception, and I am going to try to truck it over to graduation the next morning. I am not sure what the specifics your plans are, but please keep me informed ; I will try to drag GZ out of the hotel bed to make the drive to [school] too! Don't worry about me, I am movin' up the ranks here in DC [work] , coaching some great [girls], and traveling a ton. GZ is in Africa right now, but when she gets back I'll tell her (I am assuming that is okay) and we will see what we can do. As for you, I hope law school is finishing up well, and you are happy with everything. Tell the [other ho-bags] I say Hey! Don't worry, I wouldn't stay away because of you, I understand that you probably need/ed some time without Brez nor me around. It makes sense. I hope everything is going well and I am sure I will talk to you later!

Essentially, everything I wrote was an outright lie. With the exception of how awesome I am, and the fact that I will be at a wedding. I don't think I have ever felt so terrible while writing a letter before. Jesus. Apparently I have grown into an honest person. Damn. I would have been a great villain. too bad. I suppose now I will have to continue in my fight against the dark side.

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