"Pledged: The secret life of sororities" ~By Alexandra Robbins.
I went to a women's college. Hello! I was in soror-land for 4 years. At my school, sororities were banned in the 80s because so many girls were killing themselves because they didn't get picked at rush.
But then came the 90s and the emergence of one friggin huge sorority.
Kappa Gamma Delta.
By the time I got to my school, all the banned activities had just morphed into similarly named and school sanctioned events. Fall fest! omg. I will always love fall fest. Singularly the greatest memory I have of college. Beats sophomore surprise, spring fling, and all of the other events combined.
We didn't study for weeks beforehand. We made skits, songs and Step-shows to go with them, cheers, costumes, shirts, and planned the whole day's activities to the min. I never slept during the week of fall fest, and always went to the after party.
Okay sorry about the gushing. I know that I will always miss it.
Anyway, So the book. I always wondered what sororities were like at other schools, we had ladies from 1920 coming back to do skits and dance, so if nothing else we had tradition. So I decided to read the book.
I was a phoenix girl for my boyfriend's frat. Anyone familliar with greeks knows what that is, but I was lucky that I was not a student there. I had all the perks and not many of the negative aspects. All my partying was comped, but i did have to work their car washes a few times. Whatever.
I knew about all of the "questionable things" that went on with both my and his groups, but I was one of the girls that was a "leader" and he was the vp, so neither of us could be involved if we wanted to. We were damage control.
The book is realistic though, it presents things as they really happened. Maybe not the greatest pr for nationals, but most greek orgs don't have the horrible stuff happen that often. And that stuff happens with non-greek events just as much. I do think that there is a bum-rap that they are given.
I will always love my girls.
My friends and i know that no one can begin to understand what our college-lives were like, because if you didn't go with us? You have no damned clue. Its sad, we try to explain it, but it is impossible to put into verbage.
I loved it. Even when we all hated each other. When we had our group pms and cramps, we all wanted to vomit. When we dealt with a loser ex boyf, we knew exactly what to do. Cry, tell them you hated him too, you deserve better, he's stupid, your not fat, but let's go get a movie and some ben&jerry's cherry garcia or magic brownies.
I miss it and always will.
Never did I make so much money during that wonderfull week you ladies have your aunt flow over.
LOL yea well happy to help.
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